A complete front end solutions for learners.

ChaiUI is a comprehensive and easy-to-use open-source UI templates (powered by TailwindCSS) designed to enhance your productivity as a learner. We ❤️ Open Source

Hero Image


Icon Background
Alerts Icon


Provide contextual feedback messages for typical user actions.

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Badges Icon


Small count and labeling component for displaying notifications, tags, or status.

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Grids Icon


Flexible grid system for creating layouts and aligning content.

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Breadcrumbs Icon


Indicate the current page's location within a navigational hierarchy.

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Button Groups Icon

Button Groups

Group a series of buttons together on a single line.

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Checkboxes Icon


Allow users to select one or more options from a set.

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Details Lists Icon

Details Lists

Display collections of data, like tables, but with more flexibility.

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Dividers Icon


Visually separate content in a list or layout.

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Dropdowns Icon


Toggleable, contextual overlays for displaying lists of links.

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Error Pages Icon

Error Pages

Customizable error pages for handling different HTTP error codes.

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Header Icon


Defines the header section of a page or application.

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Inputs Icon


Form elements for user input, including text fields, checkboxes, and radio buttons.

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Auth Forms Icon

Auth Forms

Pre-designed forms for authentication, including login, registration, and password reset.

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Media Icon


Components for displaying media content such as images alongside text.

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Pagination Icon


Divide content into separate pages and provide navigation between them.

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Progress Icon


Visual indicators for progress completion, such as progress bars and spinners.

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Radio Groups Icon

Radio Groups

Allow users to select a single option from a set of radio buttons.

Icon Background
Selects Icon


Customizable dropdown select elements for choosing options.

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Side Menu Icon

Side Menu

Vertical navigation component for displaying a list of links or items.

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Stats Icon


Display key statistics or metrics in a concise and visually appealing format.

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Steps Icon


Guide users through a multi-step process, showing progress and completion.

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Tables Icon


Organize and display data in rows and columns.

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Tabs Icon


Organize content into separate views while keeping the user in the same context.

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Textareas Icon


Multiline text input fields for longer user input.

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Toggles Icon


Switch between two states or options with a simple toggle.

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Vertical Menus Icon

Vertical Menus

Display a list of options or actions in a vertical format.



Designer Portfolio 1

A landing page showcasing a designer's portfolio with a sleek and modern design.

Developer Portfolio 1

A personal website highlighting a developer's technical skills, projects, and experience in a clean and structured layout.

Innovative Product Showcase

Explore the interactive product page designed to demonstrate key features and benefits of our cutting-edge solutions. The page combines engaging visuals with user-friendly design to enhance user understanding and drive conversions.